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3 East 51st St.,
New York, New York,
June 29th., 1937.

Dear Mr. Séligmann:

In reply to your letter of June 17th., (and as you leave the matter to my discretion) I want you to know that I have done nothing in connection with Mrs. Watson B. Dickerman.  As I wrote you previously, I told her at once when she mentioned the Fragonard, how interested I knew you would be in it, and without any shade of disappointment she immediately said she would take it up with you in the Fall.  To call her now and say I hadn't yet reported the visit to you, and to ask for a photograph, I'm afraid would create doubts in her mind as to the truth of my statement, and as to your interest - and consequently she might approach some other firm.  Therefore, unless I hear from you further, I personally feel that it is best for me to do nothing.  But on the other hand a note directly from you might further assure her of your interest.

Herein I am sending you copies of the information sent Mr. Taylor in connection with the Jean Goujon "Diane".

This morning I received your letter of June 22nd., and 'phoned Mrs. Gates in Glen Cove (the operator refers all telephone calls for the Decorators' Picture Gallery to Glen Cove), and she seemed pleased that you would have a group of 18th. century paintings for them, by September 1st.

As regards "Alfred, or Alfred OTTO", I am sending you herewith a separate fiche.  From my searches, I gather that someone was mis-informed, but in any case I'll make a note for you, for the Fall.

Trusting that your stay in St.Moritz is going to be pleasant and as beneficial as you expect,

Yours very sincerely,

M. Germain Séligmann,
Suvretta House,
St. Moritz, Switzerland.

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