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3 East 51st Street
New York, New York
July 8, 1938

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

R. H. WAEGEN--Sailed in the company of Mrs. Dillman per S.S. "Europa" on July 8th, as authorized by you.  He tells me that he will presumably stay with Mrs. Dillman in London for about one week before going to Paris. I paid him the sum of $400 as traveling expenses as well as the sum of $1,000 as salary for July and August against a special receipt stating that this payment fully covered all his traveling expenses to and while in Paris and until his return to New York. I advised Mr. Peck not to pay him anything without getting your O.K. first. I had quite an argument with Mr. Waegen regarding this receipt. At first he refused point blank to sign it, even threatening to cancel his trip all together. After I told him that under no other condition was I authorized to pay him this money, he finally accepted, but I am afraid he will take this matter up with you on his arrival in Paris. 

HARDING RAEBURN-Enclosed please find copy of my letter to Mr. Georges. 

COCHRAN-I received your cable requesting that we ship Mr. Cochran's painting by Cranach to London. After some difficulty, I persuaded Mr. Cochran to reconsign this picture to us which he is willing to do but only on the basis of $13,000 net to him.  I, therefore, cabled you as per attached copy, and it is understood that should I not receive counter instructions, this shipment will leave per S.S. ACQUITANIA on July 13th, directly to Chenue in London.

As I am anxious for this letter to reach you, I am sending it on the "Europa" which leaves tonight. 

Yours faithfully, 

Germain Séligmann, Esq.
9, Rue de la Paix
Paris, France

Transcription Notes:
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