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UPPER MISSISSIPPI AND LOWER MISSOURI VALLEYS AND THE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL GREAT PLAINS - Much unsettled weather and showers, especially first part of the week; temperatures mostly above normal.

SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES - Occasional showers entire week over north portion of district, generally fair over south at beginning of week, with afternoon showers becoming somewhat more frequent middle of week; rather warm most of week in Georgia and extreme North Florida, with temperatures becoming above normal by Tuesday over Carolinas.

Special Cables to The New York Times.
Yesterday's weather and maximum temperature, with today's prediction, follow:
LONDON - Sunny, 64, rain.
BERLIN - Showers, 59, rain.
BERMUDA - Fine, 78, fine.
MEXICO CITY - Rain, 75, rain.
PARIS - Sunny, 73, showers.
CANNES - Cloudy, 85, unsettled.

Mexican Longshoremen Strike
TAMPICO, Mexico, July 2 (AP). - Shipping was tied up along the riverfront here today as a result of a strike called by longshoremen. Several ships loaded with bananas and other cargo were held up. The workers are demanding a labor contract.