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3 East 51st Street
New York, New York 
September 30th, 1938

Dear Mr. Seligmann: 

I thank you for your letter of September 20th. 

LOST MAIL -- I received quite a number of copies of documents, as advised by you. 

BALAY & CARRE -- All I received from you is their receipted invoice for our share of Ffrs. 20.000 for our joint account purchase with them of the Juan Gris, "Bouillotte et Bol", as well as their letter of August 1st advising us of the sale of the two Juan Gris. The selling Statement referred to in that letter, however, never reached me, and as suggested by you, I have written Balay & Carre asking them for a duplicate. 

CRANACH -- As requested, I am sending Mr. Peck with this same mail, a statement of expenses regarding the two shipments of the Cranach. 

TELEPHONE OPERATOR -- Prior to receiving your note of September 13th, I had made arrangements to have Mrs. Merrick back for the beginning of October, knowing that you had been very satisfied with her services. 

MR. EDGAR -- Sold 100 shares General Motors at 44. 

STEPHEN C. CLARK -- As advised in my cable (copy enclosed), he remitted to us yesterday our purchasing commission of 15% on the Renoir, that is &6,450 as well as $572,63 covering all our expenses in this connection. Checks deposited with J.P. Morgan & Co. 

October 3rd, 1938

I thank you for your letter of September 20th which has my careful attention. 

MR. DE HAUKE -- The following commissions have now become due: - 

Balance McCormick, 15% on $5,000   $750.00
Share Renoir Clark   2.000.00

Less debit balance of his commission account June 30th, 1938   971.99
Leaving a balance in his favor of  $1,778.01

which I would ask you to be good enough to pay over to him. 


Transcription Notes:
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