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5 East 51st Street
New York, New York
September 8th, 1938

Dear Mr. Séligmann:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters of July 27th, August 2nd, 6th and 25th as well as Mrs. Parker's of August 16th, together with the various enclosures which have my very best attention.

CHAUNCEY McCORMICK -- I was very much surprised to read that you had written me in this connection July 5th. A very careful search of our files as well as an inquiry at the Post Office here failed to disclose that any such mail had been delivered to us. We must, therefore, assume -- impossible as it sounds -- that the whole envelope sent to us from Paris on that date must have gone astray during transit. This, of course, will also explain why I never received the list of expenses regarding Mr. Clark from Mr. Peck. Furthermore, Haine & Morant in their letter of August 18th advise us that we never made remittance for additional Marine Insurance premiums for the month of May as advised in their letter of June 19th. This letter which normally would have been forwarded by the Paris house also never reached me. I would, therefore, be greatly obliged to you for having the Paris office send us duplicates of all the letters which were forwarded on that particular date. 

Regarding Mr. McCormick, I cabled you as per enclosed copy and confirm your cable received today:- YOU WIRE MCCORMICK AS PER MY LETTER AUGUST TWENTYFIFTH STOP DISCARD MY LETTER JULY FIFTH. Accordingly, I telegraphed him as requested. 

GILBERT STUARDS -- Not having heard from Mr. Castano, I wrote to him as per your suggestion.

MRS. DILLMAN -- I received your draft for the invoice to be sent to her as well as other copies of correspondence in this connection. Instructions carefully noted. I certainly am very happy to see that Mr. Waegen finally succeeded in doing some business with this lady and trust that it will be a stepping stone towards larger sales.

JUAN GRIS -- Will you be good enough to let me know which two pictures have been sold by Balay & Carré in order to make the necessary entries.

MR. WAEGEN -- I received your personal check in the sum of $100.- while still on my vacation and at his telephoned request endorsed it directly over to him. As I have sufficient funds on hand, I am remitting the same amount to the credit of your personal account with the Empire Trust Company. Mr. Waegen, by the way, is expecting Mrs. Dillman here next Tuesday.


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