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September 8th, 1938

CHIRICO -- As advised in my letter of July 26th, he returned to us the signed contract without having made any changes on it.

MR. EDGAR -- No transactions to report for the month of August.

CALIFORNIA PALACE OF THE LEGION OF HONOR -- Returned in good condition the five paintings which we had lent them for their exhibition. 

SOCIETE DE BANQUE SUISSE -- Will you please sign and forward to them the enclosed Reconcilement of Account. 

GIFFORD COCHRAN -- I am very happy to know that this sale went through and I hope that there will be a substantial profit in it for us. In this connect I disbursed $16.52 for long distance telephone calls to Mr. Cochran as well as for cables to Paris, and would like to know who is to assume these charges (also Marine Insurance).

MRS. THORNE -- Remitted us $58.16 covering all our expenses in regard to the Watteau drawing. I am enclosing copy of her letter. 

PRICE WATERHOUSE -- I just received five copies of their report on the examination of our books for the two years ending December 31st, 1937.

Bought 100 Twentieth Century Fox Film Co. at 26-7/8
Bought 100 shares General Motors at 48-5/8.

September 13th, 1938

GILBERT STUARTS -- Received a letter from Castano as per enclosed copy. 

MR. RENE -- Arrived yesterday per S. S. "Normandie". 

MR. LEVI -- Also returned to the office yesterday.

I am sorry to have to tell you that Susie suddenly passed away yesterday morning from a paralytic stroke bought on by excessively high blood pressure. I am sending flowers.

I am glad to say that I am again feeling 100% due to a marvelous vacation and am very anxious to see you back soon and business in full swing. 

Trusting that you yourself have spent a pleasant and restful summer, and with my best wishes, 

Yours faithfully,
Germain Séligmann, Esq. 
9, Rue de la Paix, Paris

Transcription Notes:
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