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Mayor's Naval Committee
20 Pine Street
New York City

Telephone JOhn 4-1020

Honorary Chairman
Hon. F. H. La Guardia

Winthrop W. Aldrich

Claude C. Vickrey

Samuel A. Welldon

Paul Moss

Mrs. Marshall Field, Chairman
Women's Division

Lt. Col. Leopold Philipp, Chairman
Committee on Arrangements

Col. Wm. H. Rankin, Chairman
Committee on Public Relations

Eugene F. Moran, Chairman
Marine Committee

James E. Sauter, Chairman
Entertainment Committee

Gerald A. Eubank, Chairman
Committee on Club Participation

Harry G. Bragg, Chairman
Transportation Committee

Military Representatives

Lt. Rowland D. Hill, U. S. Navy

Col. U. S. Grant 3rd, U. S. Army

Lt. Col. Hampton Anderson, N. Y. N. G.

Capt. L. N. Hesselman, N. Y. N. M.

Capt. Lamar R. Leahy, N. Y. W. F.

April 12, 1939.

Mrs. Germaine Seligmann,
3 East 51st Street,
New York, N. Y. 

Dear Mrs. Seligmann:

The officers and men of the United States Fleet will be guests of the City of New York from April 29 to May 17. Mayor La Guardia has appointed a committee to arrange an official program for their entertainment. A tentative program for the entertainment of 40,000 men is being planned and a budget of $40,000., to be raised by voluntary contributions, has been proposed to meet the necessary expenses.

May I ask you at this time for a personal contribution toward this fund? Any amount, large or small, will be gratefully received. A prompt response will be appreciated so that the committee may proceed with definite plans.

Please make checks payable to Samuel A. Welldon, Treasurer, 2 Wall Street, New York, N. Y.

Sincerely yours,
Winthrop W. Aldrich
Winthrop W. Aldrich,

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Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-09 23:47:14.