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March 11th., 1939.

Dear Hans:

    Thanks a lot for your very interesting and lengthy report about the thrilling social activities of the South coast.

    Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dillman are certainly their best to give you a grand time!

    I am sending you these few lines particularly to tell you that I have just received a cable from Paris from Georges, who tells me that our client is very anxious over at once. I realize fully that as a guest of Mrs. Dillman it might be difficult for you to broach this subject, but on the other hand you will understand the position I am in and that I have to answer Georges way or the other, so please wire me.

    Do remember me to your hostess and host and with kindest regards,

                    Sincerely yours,

                   (Germain Séligmann.)

R. H. Waegen, Esq.,
c/o Mrs. Hugh Dillman,
Playa Riente,
Plam Beach, Florida.