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A former officer of the Second Division, and a Marine at that, confessed he wished he had a Dinner like ours. When he learned that we have held them without interruption each year since the War- a unique record for any organization, we believe- that not only our Divisional combat commanders, but many regimental and battalion commanders usually attend, that several hundred former officers come from New England, the Atlantic Seaboard, the Middle West, the South, and the Far West, he wondered how we did it! So have officers of other Regular Army Divisions. Confidentially, we still have that "SPECIAL PRIDE OF SERVICE."


Did you know that the Dinner is only one high spot in a series of Regimental parties which may start as early as Friday night and continue through Sunday? You Regimental Committeeman will tell you about them, provide you let us know you're coming so that he can make plans with some degree of definiteness. 
Words cannot give an adequate description of the Dinner- probably the most distinguished and glamorous military gathering held in the country- but with its exuberance, lack of formality, and the 16th Infantry Band, including Field Music, it's not like any other Dinner you've ever attended and it comes but once a year!

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 10:39:48 7 images on this page, drawings of Marines other soldiers