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3 East 51st Street
New York, New York
July 24th, 1939

Dear Mr. Séligmann:

DR. ELSE HOFMANN- Enclosed please find her letter of July 22nd. I wrote that I was forwarding it to you in Europe.

GOLDEN GATE EXPOSITION- Enclosed please find an interesting letter from Mr. Forbes to which I replied that it was being forwarded to you in Europe and that he would, no doubt, hear from you directly. Please note that we sent them a consignment invoice for this painting on February 10th, containing all the data which we have in our selling catalogue, and giving them a price of $25,000.

LORD MOYNE- I wish to remind you that the agreement regarding the Jason Tapestries expires this coming October 11th.

VANNUCCIO- At the request of Mr. Georges Seligmann, I sent a photograph "Crucifixion" of this painting to Mr. Pope Hennessy, South Kensington Museum, London, together with dimensions, description and pedigree. 

PAINTING TIEPOLO, "HEAD OF OLD MAN" No. 6509- Rev. L. Capitani came in to look at this picture. He said that he had seen it a few weeks previously in our show window. At his request, we quoted him the catalogue price of $2,500. He stated that he might be able to interest a friend of his in this painting, and would drop in sometime later on in the season. I kept his name and address for our files. 

RENOIR, "APPLE SELLER"- Delivered it today to Mr. Haardt at his request. He tells me he is going to show it to Mr. Chrysler, Jr.

MRS. DEBORAH LLEWIN OF LOS ANGELES- Called you today (July 25th) and asked that we tell you she had called when we wrote to you.

CRISTOPH ISELIN- Alte Landstrasse, 39, Kilchberg near Zurich, Switzerland. This gentleman called me on the phone today (July 25th) and I went to see him at the Hotel Commodore where he is staying for a few days. He tells me that he has on deposit with American Express Co. in New York a painting by Holbein, "Portrait of a Man", fully authenticated by Friedlander, Bredius and Valentiner which is his property and which he is trying to sell for about $60,000, as well as a painting by Frans Hals for which he is asking $35,000. He claims that he spoke to Mr. Georges Seligmann about the Frans Hals. He also showed me a photograph of a littler Luini representing "Madonna and Child" which he would sell for about $9,000. He will presumably be back in New York this coming October. I told him that I would post you about my conversation with him.


[[left margin]] Morph Muhs [[best guess??]]
7/9/39 [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
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