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STERN-DREY: You will recall that he never returned the pamphlet given his during the Winter, on these Jason tapestries. When last he wrote he said he hoped to have some word for you later. Will you take this up in Europe?

HANGINGS AT ROSLYN: Mr. Miller 'phoned to ask what valuation you had pur on the red velvet hangings on the ground floor windows, etc., at Roslyn. I told him it was my impression that they were not to be included among the "works of art" and that consequently they were not on my list. Mr. Miller differed with me and would appreciate hearing from you on the subject. I recall that you tore part of the lining away in order to examine the back of the material and that you remarked that "you could not see that it was old". All of this effort to make something of them was due to the high price Messelin claimed Mr. Mackey had paid.

PHOTOGRAPHS - HIGGINS: The prints are enclosed. I have put  question marks after the numbers as my identifications were made from the descriptions in the invoice. Mr. Levy went to Roslyn with Mr. Peterka, the photographer, so they are undoubtedly the correct pieces. (Mr. Levy had left NY by the time the prints arrived).

- ARMOR AND WEAPONS IN OUR STOCK BOOK: At last I have gone over the negatives of these and actually compared them with the items. Under separate cover you will therefore receive prints of 115, correctly numbered- evidently all mistakes had turned up previously, but it would of course be wise to compare these with the prints already in Paris.

REMOVAL OF ITEMS STILL IN ROSLYN: As you will have gathered, the only person at DAVIS, POLK WARDWELL, GARDINER & REED, ETC., ETC., with whom anyone can speak now-a-days is Mr. Miller (I suspect the others are away most of the time). Mr. Miller expects to start removing the pieces remaining, next week and asked me for a copy of the list covering "works of art" made when we three were there, and which had never been sent them. As he said he needed it for insurance purposes, I turned a copy over to him, thinking you would have no objection.

MR. GRANCSAY - HALBERDS: Ive spoken to him three times about the descriptions of halberds and the suit of armor, and he has been so very nice and promised to come down. However I expect to start for California and yet nothing has happened and I don't feel I can call him a fourth time. Therefore am dropping it until my return. My belief is that we stood a better chance before we delivered those pommels, the Merovingian helmet, etc. - he probably is studying them under a magnifying glass and hasn't even been home to dinner since they were turned over to him!

Yours very sincerely,
Theresa D. Parker
(Theresa D Parker)

Germain Séligmann, Esq.,
9 rue de la Paix,