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July 10th, 1939

RENOIR "LACAUX" -- was forwarded today per Railway Express, as instructed, to Mr. Newhouse in Los Angeles. The consignment invoice was likewise sent today.

July 11th, 1939

SOCIETE DE BANQUE SUISSE -- Enclosed please find Reconcilement of Account of the Société de Banque Suisse, Geneva, showing a balance in our favor of $910.30 which kindly sign and return to them.

LEASE HAARDT -- He just called me up saying that the owners of the building sent him the new lease calling for a monthly rent of $85. instead of $80. as heretofore. He also told me that he would immediately communicate with the owners in order to try to renew the lease below last year's figure. I, of course, repeated to Mr. Haardt that as far as payment of our half share of this expense is concerned, I would have to get your O. K. first, and if he did renew the lease, it would be altogether on his own responsibility. Will you please advise me?

MACKAY ESTATE -- Mr. Miller called me up in reference to the bills we sent them, and especially regarding the commissions charged. As you know, before your departure we decided to bill them on all sales made up to July 1st regardless of whether or not they had been settled. Mr. Miller says, and he bases himself on our contract, that the Estate refuses to pay commissions on sales which are still outstanding. Guided by your directions not to become involved in an argument, I am sending them a new invoice listing only our first sale to Mr. Grancsay in the total sum of $5,000 on which our 8% commission amounts to $400, which I trust you will find in order.

MRS. WALSER -- We called today for three pictures at the terms and conditions outlined to you in a separate letter by Mr. Levy. I only wish to add that I received a copy of a letter written to Mrs. Walser by her underwriters, and confirming that these paintings are insured against all risk.

I trust that you had a very restful crossing

very faithfully yours
O.A. Liechti

Germain Séligmann, Esq.
9, Rue de la Paix
Paris, France