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[[top margin]] file [[/top margin]]

[[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]]

3 East 51st. St.,
New York, New York.
July 7th., 1939.

Dear Mr Seligmann:

MACKAY: Yesterday afternoon I duly tried to reach Mr. Fletcher on the 'phone to ask for news re the Donatello-Sansovino deal but being unable to talk to him as he was in a conference, I spoke to Mr. Miller, who said he believed nothing had developed since you saw Mr. Polk but that he would look into it and call back. It is now 2:30 on Friday and there has been no word, however I shall try both Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Polk on Monday should we have heard nothing in the meantime.

MACKAY: This morning we received, addressed to you, several copies of the MACKAY auction catalogue and a letter of which I am enclosing a copy. The present catalogue has no illustrations and the illustrated catalogue, from their letter, is due in a few days. I'm enclosing a copy of fiche sent Mr. Fletcher with one of the catalogues and a copy of Christie's letter.

MACKAY: The Art News inquired this morning whether or not we had photographs of items in the London auction. We only have prints of a few of the items, but in any case I wanted your "o.k." before doing anything and therefore sent you the Wireless, to which I am now awaiting your answer.

BUREAU MILITAIRE: We also received this morning the Registered Mail Receipt for your letter to the "Bureau Militaire" which has been carefully attached to the copy of the letter itself.

MATERIAL: I spoke to Mr. Liechti about the material received a couple of years ago from Paris for the chairs in the apartment. He remembered having seen a big piece in one of the filing cabinets in Mr. Jucker's office, so fortunately we won't have to buy any.

AUCTION OF PAINTINGS: In a catalogue just received from Christie's - the sale entitled "Old Masters" the Properties of C. A. Bentinck, Esq., Mrs. Frank Holbrooke, etc., etc., - of an auction being held on July 14th., under Nos. 78 and 79, are portraits by Romney of Sir Robert Shore Milnes and Lady Milnes. I thought you might be interested later on in following it up to see what prices they bring. Romney evidently liked to paint the portrait of Capt. Milnes!

TOZZI: Am enclosing copy of a letter to you from Mr. Tozzi, to which you will find my acknowledgment attached.

MRS. STRAUS: Also, a letter marked "personal mail" and which I can see from the return address, is from Mrs. Straus.

I hope you weren't too tired to enjoy the crossing, and that this letter will at least find you much more rested.

Yours very sincerely,

T. J. Parker

P. S. Have heard nothing from Mr. Eric Stiebel.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about what is written next to "file" at the top Not sure about the name at the end ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 17:25:06