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Form P.C.

From Jacques Seligman Inc.
Quinn Engineering Co., Inc.,
50 Watts Street,
New York, N. Y.
City of New York
State of New York
Date May 20, 1939

Please accept this order as Seller and ship to us as Buyer the equipment described herein, subject to the conditions printed hereon for installation at: 3 East 51 Street City of New York, County of New York, State of New York

Equipment: (1) Model No. 3/4 Ton Air Cooled. Carrier Portable Summer Air Conditioner.
Current Characteristics AC DC     Volts     Phase     Cycle
Other Equipment: Standard installation.

Buyer will supply for said equipment electric outlet of proper current capacity and characteristics as noted above within seven (7) feet of equipment location; Buyer will make any structural changes in premises necessary to allow proper installation of the equipment.
For water cooled machines only: Buyer will furnish complete plumbing connections supplying 1 1/2 G.P.M. of water through the machine at not over 72 degrees F.

Buyer hereby aggrees to pay Seller the sum of Fifty Five and 00/100 Dollars ($55.00) plus sales tax amounting to $1.10
Payable as follows:
$56.10 in cash with this order:
$ [[blank]] Balance upon delivery.
Rental for 2 weeks period from date of installation - $55.00
Additional rent after 2 weeks - $10 per wk.

Seller guarantees against defects in material or workmanship all equipment of Carrier Corporation manufacture, furnished under this order, and will repair or replace f. o. b. point of manufacture any part found by Seller to be defective in material or workmanship within one year from date of shipment. Equipment manufactured or supplied by others, but furnished by Seller under this order, carries the same guarantee to Buyer as Seller receives.

The guarantees herein shall not be binding upon Seller unless all payments, called for by the terms of this order, are and continue to be paid on the dates specified.
Seller shall not be held liable for any direct or consequential damage or loss resulting from equipment defective in material or workmanship, from loss of refrigerant, or from any other occurrences of any kind or character. Seller shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or delay caused by fire, strike, civil or military authority, insurrection, action of the elements, riot, or delay in transportation.

Fire insurance sufficient to protect all interests of Seller under this order shall and will be maintained by and at the expense of Buyer from time of delivery. Policies of insurance will be made payable to Seller as its interests may appear.
All equipment, whether affexed to the realty so as to become part thereof or not, shall be deemed severable without injury to the freehold, and the title thereto shall remain in Seller until the entire purchase price is paid to Seller in cash, and Buyer agrees to perform all acts necessary to perfect and maintain the above title. On default of any payment as provided, the apparatus may, at the option of Seller, be removed and held or sold by Seller at public or private sale, Seller being permitted to purchase at any public sale; and if unpaid balance is not satisfied by the net proceeds of any such sale, then the sm of the deficiency shall become due and payable by Buyer to Seller as liquidated damages for breach of this contract; this provision shall be construed as an addition to and not in limitation of any other right.

All payments are to be made to Seller at its Office, 50 Watts Street, N. Y., unless otherwise herein specified. If Buyer shall fall or refuse to make any of the payments when due, or to perform any other obligations of the Buyer, the whole of the unpaid indebtedness arising under this order shall thereby, at the option of Seller, become immediately due and payable.

This order shall not be binding until duly accepted by an executive officer of Seller, or by delivery of equipment. This order constitutes the entire agreement, no waiver or modification shall be valid unless written upon or attached hereto. No person has authority to make or claim any representation, warranty, term, promise or condition on behalf of Seller which is not expressed herein, and no other goods or services are required to be delivered except as stated herein.

Accepted this  day of , 19 at New York, N. Y.

QUINN ENGINEERING CO., INC. [[Carrier Air Conditioning company logo]]

President - Vice-President - Treasurer



L. S. (Corporate, Firm or Trade Name)


Transcription Notes:
This page is duplicate of preceding page 154. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 18:08:29