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To welcome the many subscribers who will visit New York this summer, we have turned an entire floor of our TIME & LIFE Building into a Subscribers' Library.

Here you will find plenty of desks where you can write your letters... plenty of easy chairs where you can read your home town paper or glance over the books in FORTUNE's library... a quiet corner where you can talk to one of our photographers or watch in operation one of the television sets you read about in FORTUNE this spring... a projection room where you can preview some of the new ideas we are working on for THE MARCH OF TIME... the originals of countless LIFE and FORTUNE illustrations... a registry to make it easier for your friends to find you in New York... a meeting place right in the center of the city and an information bureau to answer all your questions about New York.

Most important of all, we will offer you a warm welcome and a place where you can make yourself at home.

We very much hope you will be able to drop in and see us - and if you can, will you please mail us the attached postal well in advance, so we can send you a personal guest card?

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 19:31:47