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Personnel correspondence of Mr. Germain Séligmann.

November 1st., 1940.

Dear Mr. Kiley:

I was disappointed indeed, not to have had the pleasure of seeing you, but I could well understand your reasoning, when you went down to the Dartmouth game. I do hope, however, that it won't be long before you actually come to this "city of light".

Now, I am rather upset about our two young ladies! Since my first evening with Miss Lane-Petolas she has moved and though I have written to her at the "Music Hall" I have had no answer. I am wondering whether through her parents you could, therefore, give me her address as I would so much enjoy seeing more of her.

And as regards Miss Dorothy Barrett, I have been a complete "flop" in my investigation. I called up the Piccadilly Hotel (the one you had indicated) where truly enough she had been registered about three months ago - whence she moved to an undisclosed address. I therefore wrote her, to the Imperial Theater where "Louisiana Purchase" is being played, but though that is over a week ago, I have not heard from her either. Have you any means of getting in touch with her, as I would be only too pleased to meet her.

I do hope your official business won't keep you too busy to investigate the whereabouts of these young ladies, and, looking forward to hearing from you, I am

With best regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Henry P. Kiley, Esq.,
1410 Stanley Street,
Montreal, Canada.
(c/o the United States Consulate)

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