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All Life Insurance Policy Holders know that their dividends have been cut in half but few realize the degree to which the "New Deal" is responsible. Even fewer realize that the face of their policies will be cut in half (in purchasing power) if New Deal inflationary policies are continued for another four years. 

The attached leaflet explains this in words of one syllable.  It is being distributed, under local sponsorship, in six states with remarkable results.  Its wide distribution will importantly affect the vote in all states and probably decide the election in certain key states. 

Additional State Committees are being formed to provide local sponsorship for the leaflet.  Funds are needed immediately for printing and postage. 

There are 50 million life insurance policy holders in the United States. There is sufficient time to reach enough of them, in the key states, to turn the election to Mr. Willkie if funds for mailing costs are promptly in hand. 

For each and every dollar you send, 50 policy-holders will receive the enclosed pamphlet.  We know positively, from actual experience, that it has telling effect. 

A contribution of $500. will put the message before all life-insurance policy-holders in the average sized county--$50. in a fair sized town and $5. in the average precinct. 

Therefor if you believe Mr. Willkies election is a matter of National importance its just a question of how much distribution you will personally finance.  But please let us hear from you promptly.  Election is so close, time is vital. 

Mr. H. T. McDermott, Treas.
Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.

Herewith check for $  as contribution toward an educational campaign among investors in life insurance and other forms of savings, concerning the effects of "New Deal" policies on their investments and the importance of Mr. Willkies election. 

Please make check payable to H. T. McDermott Treas.

HWH:P.[[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]]S

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-10 10:34:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 18:37:41