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ANNEX: A. The consensus is to continue these dinners. Many, who cannot come, want to receive the notices. Some suggest that some sort of annual dues be collected for we have 2,000 former officers of the Division on our list. What do you think of this?

ANNEX: B. So many who have never come to a dinner have written their intention to come at the first possible chance.

ANNEX: C. Bring your son. We are a lot older than we were when we climbed the chandelier. He wont see anything now that will surprise him, but may hear some fearsome lies. He may be disillusioned on meeting a legendary hero, of whom he has heard all his life, and find him to be a nice, fat, middle-aged, bald, little man.

ANNEX: D. Some want to know why we just break even at $7.00 per plate. We pay the Waldorf $3.50 which includes the use of the Basildon Room for a big Division P.C. We might knock of $.75 or $1.00 by going to some cheaper joint, but most don't want to - the other $3.50 is spent in sending out notices to our active mailing list of 2,000 former officers of the First Division A.E.F. They are scattered from "Hell to Breakfast" (Barnie Legge is in Switzerland as Military Attache) and they all like to get the notices. Putting through your changes of address to keep the mailing list up to date, stenographic services and printing cannot be paid for with chocolate and soap. We are economizing on this year's notices.

ANNEX: E. Now that another war is threatened, all the lads whom we know as captains are now big shots, either in the army or in the National Defense. Here are just a few - we can't remember them all - In the Army, General Marshall is Chief of Staff, Lt. General De Witt has the Fourth Army, Major General Truesdell the VI Corps, Lt. General Short has Hawaii, Major General Cubbison has the old Division and Brigadier General Corbin is Assistant Quartermaster General, and we have so many one-star Generals that we are thinking of having a table for assorted Brigadiers. As for Colonels - Ryder is Truesdell's Chief of Staff, Tommy Farrell is a "Constructing Quartermaster" in Washington, Huebener has a lot to do with G-3, Ralph Smith G-2, Baxter, Evans, Hartdegen and McVicker have regiments, while in National Defense Alex Henderson is high in the O.P.M., Rod Kellett in airplanes, Sam Marshall is designing the Trinidad Base.

ANNEX: F. Do it now - shoot in your check - your committee are not mind readers. How would you like to make the arrangements if everyone waited until May 10 and then rushed in, cash in hand, and expected to be treated like the prodigal son. Here is what goes on:

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 15:37:23