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[[top margin]] As yet I've done nothing about a reply [[/top margin]]


February 10, 1941

Mr. Germain Seligmann
3 East 51st Street
New York City

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

I am very much interested in the American Museum of Health which plans to open its doors to the people of the City of New York early this summer in Flushing Meadow Park.

The Museum, as you know, built and operated the splendid collection of exhibits in the Medicine and Public Health Building as the New York World's Fair. The exhibits were seen by almost twelve million persons during the two years the Fair was open. Its success commands the respect of every citizen. At my suggestion, the City of New York turned over to the Museum, at the close of the Fair, the building formerly used for the Masterpieces of Art exhibition. The Museum has appropriated funds for the renovation of this building, and I believe that it will become an important and permanent educational feature of the City, equal, in every respect, to the great Hygiene Museum in Dresden.

Up to now, the accomplishments of the Museum have been the work of a small group of citizens headed by George McAneny, Dr. Louis I. Dublin, Dr. George Baehr, Commissioner of Health Rice, and others, and an efficient staff. It is appropriate at this time to increase public interest in this project, anticipating the opening of the new building. I am, therefore, appointing a Citizens Sponsoring Committee and it will be gratifying to me if you will consent to serve as a member. There is no financial obligation connected with service on this committee but your service will be of great value to the City.

Now that the national defense is occupying most of our thoughts, I am reminded that the health of our people surely is essential to the security of the nation. The American Museum of Health is a national enterprise, which undoubtedly will raise the level of the public health. We are fortunate to have it in the City of New York.

It is my hope to make this Health Museum one of the City's permanent and important institutions. Will you please let me know that we may count on you.

Sincerely yours
F. LaGuardia

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