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September 4th, 

Dear Sirs: 

Mr. Germain Seligmann who has just returned from his vacation, desires to sign the lease covering apartment 8A at 47 East 61st Street. 

Please note, however, that the following change and addition should first be made in the renewal lease in duplicate which I herewith return to you for this purpose. (as made in last years lease)

Paragraph 19 -- Should be amended to read "..... and that three months prior to this expiration of the term ....." instead of six months, as stated. 
[[right margin]] - OK [[/right margin]]

Paragraph 26 -- Should be added. To read as heretofore "The tenant is hereby given an option to continue this lease for one year from October 1st, 1942 at $1,500. per annum, provided he notifies the landlord of his intention to continue, in writing on or before May 1st, 1942".

Thanking you for your cooperation, 

Your very truly, 

(O. A. Liechti)

540 Park Avenue, Inc.
47 East 61st Street
Attention of Mr. J. J. Atkinson

Mr Collins phoned 6/9/41
No! - only insert this paragraph if owner wants to give advance notice that next term's rent will be higher