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November 16th., 1942.

Dear Sirs:

Pursuant to the recent request of the War Production 
Board which you have communicated to Mr. Germain 
Sèligmann, he wishes the following plates or dies 
put at their disposal:

Christmas Greeting Plate:  Germain Sèligmann
Address Dies:  Ancien Hotel Sagan,
57 rue St. Dominique

23 rue de Constantine.

Signed authorization is attached hereto.
On the other hand, he wishes you to hold for future
use, the plate for visiting cards, reading "Germain Sèligmann".

Thanking you for giving this the necessary attention,

Yours very truly,

Secretary to Mr. Germain Sèligmann

Cartier Inc.,
5th. Ave. and 52nd. St.,
New York, New York.