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Notes from Buffalo, N. Y., Branch:

This Branch has been quite active and has held many gatherings of interest during the past year. Many of our members have joined the active forces as the old spirit has arisen and nothing could be more satisfying to them than to get into the thick of the trouble, and may good luck and good fortune be their lot.

Sanford Palo, who was an officer in the 6th F. A. was recommissioned and is now a Major in the Coast Artillery Anti-Aircraft with our current expeditionary forces.

Leon G. Ruth, who was also an officer in the 6th F. A., has been recommissioned a Major in the Air Force and is now S-2 at Buckley Field Denver, Colorado.

Nelson Stone, who was also a member of the 6th A.F. is now a Major and Engineer Officer of the 4th Brigade Staff, New York Guard.

Wilmot Merle Smith, former member of the 7th F. A., is a Major and Intelligence Officer for the 4th Brigade New York Guard.

Allan Rief, who was connected with the 28th Infantry, is Colonal of the 74th Regiment, New York Guard.

From all reports they are all doing well and know that the traditions of the old First are in good hands.
-(Signed) Wilmot Merle Smith, Secretary.

Of special interest to the present officers of the Society is the fact that no meeting will be held for 1942, and those now holding office will be retained as such for the year of 1943, and are as follows:

President -- Gen. C. P. Summerall
Vice-President -- Gen. Frank Parker
2nd V-Pres. -- Henry J. Grogan 
3rd V-Pres. -- E. Clarkson Garrett
4th V-Pres. -- Walter Naughton 
5th V-Pres. -- John V. Scott. Jr. 
6th V-Pres. -- Chris J. Agrafiotis
7th V-Pres. -- Herbert N. Stoops
8th V-Pres. -- Charles P. Pelham 
9th V-Pres. -- William Hinds
10th V-Pres. -- Hunter D. Adams
Sec. Treas. -- Stephen Flaherty 
Asst. Sec. and Treas. -- David Friesel 
The First Division, A. E. F. Monuments

The first Division A. E. F. Monuments consist of: The First Division Memorial Monument in the Nation's Capitol, just south of the State Department building, and the battle monuments five (5) in all, located on the battlefields of Cantigny, Soissons, Vigneulles, Sommerance and Sedan. 

All of the members are interested in our Washington Monument which is frequently inspected and for which the Superintendent of National Parks performs the customary routine maintenance work. Our monument is visited by thousands of persons annually and every veteran or friend who visits the National Capitol should visit the First Division Memorial Monument, one of the most beautiful Monuments in the country. 

It is not known what condition our battle monuments in occupied France are in. Nearly a year ago there were conflicting rumors. One rumor being that they were all in good condition and the other being that our Battle Monuments at Cantigny and the one at Sedan has disintegrated or been destroyed and that all of the others were in need of repair.

Anyone having knowledge of these Battle Monuments or anyone who has any comment of suggestions to make please write to the writer whose address is The Citadel, Charleston, S. C., or to Colonel Adolphe Huguet, No. 2, Beekman Place, New York City, N. Y. 

The financial condition of the Association, thanks to the attention and fidelity of the Executive Committee, is very good. 
-(Signed) C. P. SUMMERALL 
Decorations And Citations of Members of The First Division:

The following list was compiled in the Medal and Badge Section, A. G. O., and may be of interest to many of our members. Awards to the personnel of the First Division are as follows: 

Medals of Honor - 4
Distinguished Service Crosses - 566
Distinguished Service Medals - 37
Silver Star Citations in War Dept., G.O.S. - 110
Silver Star Citations in G. H. Q. AEF Orders - 344
Purple Heart awards to date (estimated) - 4750
Foreign decorations of all countries - 725

The foregoing table does not include those Silver Star Citations for meritorious service published in Regimental, Brigade and Division Orders.
Notes From Our Auxiliaries 

1st Div. Cantigny Unit No. 556:
This unit has a membership of 44. About 50 per cent are active members. Meetings are held every month on the second Thursday. Our rehabilitation chairman and her committee have given 84 hours of their time at Hines Hospital, either visiting First Division men or making bandages for the American Red Cross. At Christmas time each 1st Division man was remembered with a gift of socks and smokes. From time to time our rehabilitation chairman supplies the 1st Division men at Hines Hospital with cigarettes, clothing, writing paper and such small articles of luxury that we can afford. We have an active part at the Service Men's Center, 176 Washington Street, such as supplying cookies, chaperoning girls for their dances and as hostesses. To date our National Defense and Emergency Voluntary chairmen have sold $2,550.15 worth of War Stamps. Members of the unit sold 3,800 poppies on Poppy Day resulting in a sum of $158. The Honor Roll of this unit is Jack Erlandson, Lawrence Hoffman, Raymond Hoffman, Henry Miller, Thomas Patrick, Waldo Roberts, George Roberts. Each month a name is drawn and this boy is remembered with a gift. This unit has fulfilled all its pledges and obligations. 
-(Signed) MRS. R. FRANCES MARTIN, President.



It consists of a red number 1 on khaki colored, straight-sided shield surrounded by a green victory wreath. The number 1 signifies the First Division, U.S.A. Its color, red, was derived from the account of an infantry soldier who at the battle of Soissons told how he took the red band from a German soldier's cap, cut off a piece about three inches long and pinned it to the sleeve of his blouse.

This was the form in which it first appeared at Divisional Headquarters in Luxembourg late in November, 1918. A comment that it looked like red flannels showing through a torn sleeve brought about the request for a more compact design. Lt. Herbert M. Stoops of C Battery 6th F. A. was selected to create it. A German infantry cap supplied the material for the design--a red figure 1 placed on a grey shield shaped background. The design was approved but olive drab was substituted for the grey because the olive drab cloth was available in quantity. The laurel wreath of victory was added to frame the shield.

[[image]] Animation of three soldiers from different wars middle-bottom of page[[/image]]

[[caption]]"Pop did it before, the boys will do it again."[[/caption]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 23:38:13 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 16:09:19 pgph 3. also a member of the 6th, to, also an officer in the 6th pgph 7. First were in goof hands., to, are in good pgph 9. added touch of readability added paragraph breaks starting at the First Division Section