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Form IVRC-1
October 1942

State of  NEW YORK )
County of NEW YORK )
Germain Seligmann         ).....      
 Applicant for appearance )Do not write in this     
                          )Docket no.
(Here insert name of applicant for appearance concerned. If the applicant is a married woman, her given name (not the given name of her husband) shall be used, preceded by "Mrs.")

I, Germain SELIGMANN , whose residence is
47 East 61st. Street    New York      New York ____________________________________________ (Street and number,   (post office)    (State)
 or other address)

                    (Home:)47 East 61st. Street,
                    (Office)5 East 57th. Street,
and whose mailing _______________________________
  address is  (Street and number, or other address)

New York       New York
_______________________  and whose office telephone
(Post Office)   (State)  number is 

_____________, hereby apply for appearance as

Sponsor- being the uncle
_________________________, in connection with the
(Sponsor, attorney, witness, intermediary)

prospective visa application(x) of the following alien (x):

Name      Date and place of birth   Present address
___________________________________________________LEVY, Alan June 26,1913-Jouy-en-Josas, Miranda Ebre   
Gauthier         France               Concentration
                                      Camp, Spain.

  The total compensation, received or to be received, for all my services, rendered or to be rendered, in connection with the visa(s) sought, is as follows: (Here set forth in full any agreement concerning compensation; if the agreement is in writing attach a copy thereof). As close relative neither wish nor expect compensation.

(Part to e filled in only by an attorney at law appearing in that capacity) 

Name of court before which admitted:
Place of such court:
I have never been disbarred by any court or by any governmental agency, except as follows:

(Signature of applicant)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th, day of February, 1943.

(Signature of notary public)

(See instructions on the reverse side of this application)

Transcription Notes:
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