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THIS IS TO CERTIFY that Alan Geuthier Levy, alias Alan Geuthier Jones, is my first cousin. His father and my mother were brother and sister.

He was born in France in Jouy en Josas (Seine et Gise) on June 26, 1913. My father, Professor Wallis, member of the French Academy of Medicine and prominent obstetrician, assisted at his birth. I myself was present in the family house where the birth took place.

My cousin was drafted in the French Army at the beginning of the war in September, 1939 and taken prisoner in June, 1940. His address in Germany was Gefangenen nummer 41,654, Laget Bezeichnung Stalag XVIIB, Deutschland. He escaped from his German prison camp in February, 1942 and since that time lived with his parents at 26 Rue des Colonels Lacuee, Agen, France. I suppose that when the German occupied the whole of France, in order not to be retaken as a prisoner, he escaped to Spain because the first notification of this was given me in a cable originating from Harry Hawley, American Consul in Bilbao, dated December 23rd, and saying that my cousin was interned in the concentration camp of Miranda-Ebro and that he was requesting an authori-zation from the State Department to come to the United States.

Furthermore, I may add that Alan Gauthier Levy, alias Alan Gauthier Jones, is a very healthy boy of good character, very honest and reliable, His studies in Europe were very good. He obtained a Licentiate's Degree of the Law School in Paris and before the war was working in his father's business, which was a well known wool manufacturing house, known under the name of Blin & Blin, Elbeuf. I can guarantee the fact that he has never been involved in politics of any sort and that he is an upright and straightforward young man.

With regard to myself, I was born in Paris on January 9, 1900. I was a practicing physician in Paris, Consulting Physician of the American Hospital of Paris and medical officer in the French Air Force during this war. Sailing on the Nea Hellas, I arrived in this country under French quota on September 12, 1940, reaching New York on that date. I received my First Papers, #476736, on December 6, 1940. I received my Medical License #38929, at the University of Albany on April 22, 1941. Since that time I have been a practicing physician at 875 Fifth Ave., New York City and am a member of the County Medical Society. I am determined to become an American citizen and as such volunteered in June, 1941, to be commissioned in the Army Medical Corps. I successfully passed my final physical examination on July 14, 1942.

Robert Wallis

December 28, 1942.


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