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Wednesday Nov. 8th 1944

My dear Mr. Seligmann:

As it is after 6 o'clock, thinking your office might be closed, I am leaving a large envelope at your home. 

For the past few weeks, I have been staying with friends instead of at my parents' apartment.  My work at the office has not allowed time for me to go home to my own desk for a last look for any papers of yours.  Naturally, I kept some copies of the manuscript, etc., there, as well as at the office, for reference in case you telephoned me at either place.  Your secretary spoke of "documents" - I do not know exactly what she meant.  The enclosed catalogs, plus the reference work my husband prepared for you last winter at the Public Library may be what she had in mind.  Please rest assured that I am not trying to keep anything which may belong to you.  I think it would have been better to have had all your work done either by me or whomever you wished, at your office - it seems now that the "winding up" is unsatisfactory.  Not that you have said or done anything - but I couldn't help feeling a decided change the last time I saw you.  If I am to blame, I am very sorry - the work interested me and I never imagined that you would not expect and understand corrections, mistakes, etc. on the part of both of us.  I don't see how work of this sort could be accomplished otherwise; I find everything in life has its "trial and error" period before any lasting form is achieved.

Your secretary reminded me to send a bill.  As you know, I never sent them in a hurry - there was no question of pressure.  Here is the bill, now, for the two times I worked for you this Fall. **

With best wishes for the book on La Fresnaye, and my regards to you, 


Dorothy Daubel Chaikin

**Dictation twice:  $10.00
note book  1.25 (with metal inside hooks)
paper  .30
Museum fee to see colors of "Conquete de l'Air" .35


Transcription Notes:
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