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Society of the First Division, AEF
R 27 808 F Street, N. W.
Washington 4, D. C.

Dear Comrade,

Permit me first to apologize for the delay in acknowledging receipt of your dues. You perhaps do not know this but our friend and Comrade, Captain Flaherty, who held the Secretaryship for 12 years, is seriously ill and has been so for sometime. For this reason General Summerall asked me to take over the office and carry on. I agreed to do so, and, though your dues have arrived, I have as yet not received all the records, nor the blank membership cards from Fayetteville, N. C.

I feel sure that you now realize the handicap under which we are trying to carry on, and I hope you will bear with me until we receive all the records in Washington. I'll send your paid-up card as soon as I possibly can.

Now for another subject. The "First Division" has unmistakably shown in World Wars I and II that it is the greatest of all Divisions in Wartime. The same men who made this record in war can make the First Division Society the greatest of Division Societies in time of peace. However, to do this, we need the active cooperation of every man who served in the Division.

All of us have ideas on how to improve the activities of the Society. How about you sending me your ideas and recommendations? As you know, this Secretary job is new to me and I'll need all the help I can get. And please don't be disappointed if I can't use your ideas immediately as I expect to receive many recommendations and can only use a few at a time. I'll do my level best to use all ideas I can.

And while on this subject of ideas, I just thought of one myself and here it is:  We all know a good Society must have many active members. In order to increase the membership, how about starting a chain letter affair to all our friends with whom we served in the "First Division". For example, you write to anyone you know, ask him to join us, and ask him also to write to as many as he knows to do the same and so on. As for veterans who served with the "First" during World War II, we have been receiving applications from increased numbers, and they're a grand bunch. If we don't watch out, they will soon outnumber us.

Thanks for your patience in waiting for your card and for your helpfulness in sending in suggestions.

Yours in Comradeship,
David Friesel

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 21:47:08.