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138 East 55th Street, New York
Telephone:  Plaza 5-9773

Issue X  December 1, 1945


Application for membership has been filed at the office from:

W.E.Brown Decorating Co.
443 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia

Decorators and prominent dealers in English Antiques.


Also received at the office is the Art News Annual for 1945 devoted to a history and description of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. As has been the case frequently in the past, the magazine is a small masterpiece. In this year of its Diamond Jubilee celebration, the Metropolitan will receive no tribute more fitting and explicit than this, which sets forth so clearly the Museum's tremendous contribution to American art appreciation, and which reproduces so beautifully many of its treasures. 

Even from a quick reading of this magazine, which merits far more than a cursory glance, one is faced with the definite conclusion that any Antique Dealer, in any of the myriad fields embraced by the Metropolitan, benefits greatly from its existence. The fact that an institution of the size, scope, and influence of the Museum is accessible to the dealer, public, and collector, that the museum is making such sincere, realistic efforts to attract more and more Americans to a comprehensive appreciation of the Arts, is of inestimable value to all of us.

Obviously, the Museum inadvertently furnishes our dealers gratis advertising of the highest order. The current Needlework Exhibit, presented with superb skill and selected with the greatest sensitivity, is giving a quick spurt to interest in antique Needlepoint. Other shows at different times on other subjects offer similar service. 

Under Mr. Taylor's direction, the institutions' vast resources are becoming more and more a vital, living force in the culture of this country. No trade is as affected by national Cultural growth as are we. And as individuals, there is probably no group as appreciative of the Metropolitan's achievements as members of the League.

The Art News, and Mr. Frankel, please accept our grateful thanks for the complimentary advertisement appearing on page 171. To the whole 

Transcription Notes:
Should not be set up in columns - it's not a table. Have fixed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 16:16:01 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 18:31:31 Adding "," after "in the past"