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Issue X  Page 2  December 1, 1945

Art News staff goes our sincere compliments for a fine publication.


Attached hereto is a report and recommendation that the new Exhibition Committee, Messrs. Lewis, Montllor, and Dalva, have submitted to the Executive Committee and which has been duly approved, and fully discussed at the last General Meeting.
Also attached are pledge forms. The pledges are for the UNDERWRITING of a prospective League Exhibit. They are for a guarantee - not donations. Any member of the committee will be glad to explain this matter further in the event of any uncertainty.


Mrs. Nesle reports that she has received $130.00 from 13 members, which sum more than covers the cost of the recent party. The balance will form the nucleus of an entertainment fund, to be put to good use. Her committee is planning another, larger, cocktail party in the early Spring, to which all members and many interesting non-members will be invited.


In conclusion may we again remind you that the Executive Committee is at YOUR service, and will be happy to receive your suggestions and recommendations concerning the League and the problems of the trade.

As the next Clarion will be a post-holiday issue, may this be a very early and a very hearty, greeting for a Merry Christmas, and for continued prosperity in 1946.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 21:53:04. Put in proper format instead of 2 columns (see previous page).