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How you can PERSONALLY help save 
and restore to freedom a whole people:

1.Read the enclosed material carefully. Knowledge of the real situation In Europe as well as full acquaintance with our aims and purposes can only strengthen your resolve to do something about the Hebrew question now.

2.CLIP OUT THE BOTTOM POSTCARD. Fill in the name of your Congressman. Address it to “The House Office Building”. Sign your name, address, and mail it directly to Washington. Send one to your Senator also, Better yet, send him a personal letter. Never underestimate the effect of your personal opinion on your Senator. If ever he neglects an issue it is precisely because well meaning informed citizens neglected to write!

3.SEND US YOUR CONTRIBUTION. No cause on earth is more deserving —yet none has been so dreadfully rationed in dollars and cents. It is the plain truth that the whole fight to win recognition for the Hebrew people and to repatriate them stands or falls on the help of a small number of steadfast and courageous Americans of which you are one.

4.DISTRIBUTE THE REMAINING FOUR POSTCARDS and the attached slips among four of your friends and see to it that they mail them to their respective Congressmen and Senators, Also collect their contributions and forward them to us, together with the completed slips. In
some case you may leave it to your friends to mail their contribution directly to us.

5.INFORM YOUR FRIENDS about this campaign and distribute our literature among them. Don't hesitate to ask us for more leaflets, booklets, magazines and other educational material, Our story never fails to impress freedom loving people. Your friends will thank you for all the literature and information you pass on to them. Remember this — today’s knowledge is tomorrow's Power. Only an informed public opinion will achieve Hebrew freedom!

My dear Congressman:

As one of your constituents, I wish to inform you that I favor and completely endorses the resolution HJ 196 which demands the recognition of the renascent Hebrew nation and the establishment of a special intergovernmental agency to assume responsibility for, and to facilitate and effectuate the process of repatriation to Palestine of all the Hebrews in Europe who desire to end their long and unhappy exile.

               Write in full



The America League for a Free Palestine
25 West 45th Street New York 19, N.Y.

This is to inform you that I have sent letters to Congressmen ______and Senator_______ urging them to support HY Rea 196.
Recognizing the urgency of ending the martyrdom of the Hebrew people by recognition and repatriation, I wish to join your movement, Being aware of the immediate need of substantial fund to successfully carry out your campaign, I enclose my contribution of $____ ___




Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 20:26:51.