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June 28, 1946

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Mr. Schempp returned the painting by BRAQUE "La Tasse". We shipped [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] to Mr. Nesi, as authorized by you, by Railway Express all expenses collect; the two paintings by LEGER (ex-Golschmann) and the small painting by JUAN GRIS "Glass and Flask". [[checkmark]]

The painters started work at your apartment on June 26th. I carried out all your instructions regarding pictures and brick-a-brac and put them away in your closets. (except kept out, Winterhalter, mirror which I took to gall.)

Pat turned over to me for safe keeping some of your personal jewelry (studs, etc.) which I locked up in the office safe.

Knoedler sent us their check in the sum of $7,500.-, being in full payment of the purchase of the RENOIR "Nude". Check deposited with J.P. Morgan & Co. [[checkmark]]

Weitzner delivered painting by COROT "Dunkerque". As Mr. Georges found the accompanying invoice in the sum of $4,250 in order, I paid [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] him this amount by check drawn on the Cashier Account. Since you had left your personal check on J.P.Morgan & Co., for $5,500 to take care of this transaction, I have deposited the resulting difference of $1,250. to the credit of your account with that bank.  [[checkmark]]

I have to deliver this canvas to Mrs. Testut today (Friday, June 28) for cleaning, as arranged by Mr. Georges; estimated cost, $50. Mr. Georges has also ordered frame from Heydenryk; estimated cost, $40. [[checkmark]]

Mrs. Parker turned over to me duplicate of your application for refund for excess [[strikethrough]] ive [[/strikethrough]] baggage charges. I shall follow up this matter.  [[checkmark]]

Jack came in after a visit to his doctor. He seems to be coming along quite nicely and expects to be back to the office by July 1st. When I brought up the matter of Dr. Dessauer, he told me that he was very satisfied with his present physician, and I did not press the matter any further.

I mailed to Mr. Peck the affidavit, established by you, duly signed by the French Consul, in reference to your personal works of art to be shipped to New York, together with shipping list attached. I appended two extra copies of such shipping list.

License regarding the Geneva objects has been granted. You will remember that the old society was credited with the sum of $300 arising from the sale of two vases. In order to rectify this, I am enclosing letter addressed to the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York requesting them to transfer to your personal account, $253.80, and to the credit of a newly-opened blocked account for Mr. Fulda the sum of $46.20, which kindly sign and return to me together with the three appended specimen signature cards.

(Continued on page 2)


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 17:12:54