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June 28, 1946

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

Mr. Schempp returned the painting by BRAQUE "La Tasse". We shipped it to Mr. Nesi, authorized by you, by Railway Express all expenses collect; the two paintings by LEGER (ex- Golschmann) and the small painting by JUAN GRIS "Glass and Flask".

The painters started work at your apartment on June 26th. I carried out all your instructions regarding pictures and brick-a-brac and put them away in your closets.

Pat turned over to me for safe keeping some of your personal jewelry (studs, etc.) which I locked up in the office safe.

Knoedler sent us their check in the sum of $7,500.-, being in full payment of their purchase of the RENOIR "Nude". Check deposited with J.P. Morgan & Co.

Weitzner delivered painting by COROT "Dunkerque". As Mr. Georges found the accompanying invoice in the sum of $4,250 in order, I paid [[crossed-out]] them [[crossed-out]] him this amount by check drawn on the Cashier Account. Since you had left your personal check on J.P. Morgan & Co., for $5,500 to take care of this transaction, I deposited the resulting difference of $1,250. to the credit of your account with that bank.

I have to deliver this canvas to Mrs. Testut today (Friday, June 28) for cleaning, as arranged by Mr. Georges; estimated cost, $50. Mr. Georges has also ordered frame from Heydenryk; estimated cost, $40.

Mrs. Parker turned over to me duplicate of your application for refund for excess baggage charges. I shall follow up this matter.

Jack came in after a visit to his doctor. He seems to be coming along quite nicely and expects to be back to the office by July 1st. When I brought up the matter of Dr. Dessauer, he told me that he was very satisfied with his present physician, and I did not press the matter any further.

I mailed to Mr. Peck the affidavit, establised [[established]] by you, duly signed by the French Consul, in reference to your personal works of art to be shipped to New York, together with shipping list attached. I appended two extra copies of such shipping list.

License regarding the Geneva objects has been granted. You will remember that the old society was credited with the sum of $300 arising from the sale of two vases. In order to rectify this, I am enclosing letter addressed to the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York requesting them to transfer to your personal account, $253.80, and to the credit of a newly- opened blocked account for Mr. Fulda the sum of $46.20, which kindly sign and return to me together with the three appended specimen signature cards.

(Continued on page 2)

Transcription Notes:
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