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2110A-W.S.A. (12-45)


(Short Form)

Received from the shipper hereinafter named the goods, or packages said to contain goods, hereinafter mentioned in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise indicated in this bill of lading, to be transported to the port of discharge and there to be delivered or transshipped on the terms hereinafter stated. In every contingency whatsoever and even in case of deviation or of unseaworthiness of the ship at time of loading or at any subsequent time, the rights and obligations, whatsoever they may be, of each and every person having any interest or duty whatsoever in respect of the receipt, care, custody, carriage, delivery or transshipment of the goods whether as shipper, consignee, holder or endorsee of the bill of lading, receiver of owner of the goods, master of the ship, carrier, shipowner, demise charterer, time charterer, operator, agent, bailee, warehouseman, forwarder, or otherwise howsoever, shall be subject to and governed by the terms of the Uniform Bill of Lading (Warshiplading 7-1-42) adopted by General Order No. 16 of the Administrator, War Shipping Administration, July 4, 1942, which shall be deemed to be incorporated herein, including any amendments thereto or special provisions thereof which may be in effect at the time the goods are received for shipment and applicable to the intended voyage. Copies of such Uniform Bill of Lading and amendments may be obtained on application to the War Shipping Administration, Washington, D.C., or to any of its District Offices or to the Agent of the Master at the port of shipment or port of discharge. This shipment shall have effect subject to the provisions of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of the United States, approved April 16, 1936, which shall be deemed to be incorporated herein and nothing herein contained shall be deemed a surrender by the carrier of any of its rights or immunities or an increase of any of its responsibilities or liabilities under said Act. The provisions stated in said Act shall (except as may be otherwise specifically provided in the bill of lading referred to above) govern before the goods are loaded on and after they are discharged from the ship and throughout the entire time the goods are in the custody of the carrier. Nothing herein contained, whether by express statement, reference, implication or otherwise, shall be deemed a surrender of any rights or immunities or an increase of any responsibilities or liabilities which the ship, her owner, charterer, operator, agent or master or any carrier, bailee, warehouseman, or forwarder of the goods or the agent of any of them would have in the absence of this bill of lading. None of the terms of this bill of lading shall be deemed to have been waived by any person unless by express waiver signed by such person, or his duly authorized agent.

IN ACCEPTING THIS BILL OF LADING, the shipper, consignee, pledgee, holder or endorsee of this bill of lading, receiver, owner of the goods and each of them agree that all freight engagements, dock receipts or other agreements whatsoever in respect of the shipment of the goods are superseded by this bill of lading, and agree to be bound by all its terms whether written, printed or stamped on the front or back thereof or incorporated by reference therein, any local customs or privileges to the contrary notwithstanding. If requested, one signed bill of lading duly endorsed must be surrendered to the agent of the ship at the port of discharge in exchange for delivery order. If the ship is not owned by or chartered by demise to the War Shipping Administration or to the Company signing this bill of lading for the Master (as may be the case notwithstanding anything that appears to the contrary) this bill of lading shall take effect only as a contract with the owner of demise charterer, as the case may be, as principal, made through the agency of the War Shipping Administration or the Company signing this bill of lading for the Master; which acts as agent only and shall be under no personal liability whatsoever in respect thereof.


If the goods herein covered are carried on a vessel owned by or under bareboat charter to the United States and which is a Public Vessel of the United States, War Shipping Administration, on behalf of the United States, hereby assumes all liabilities it would have with respect to the carriage of such goods if the vessel were a merchant vessel except with respect to cargo owned by the United States or any Agency or Department thereof, and lend-lease cargo. This clause is to be construed only as an agreement that such cargo when carried on such a Public Vessel shall be treated as though the carrying vessel were a merchant vessel with respect to liabilities for loss or damage to such cargo.

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