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February 20, 1946

Dear Germain:

I just wired you as follows: "Suida publishing article Art America referring lengthily Mantegna. Asks for photograph to illustrate article. Wire approval."

Suida came in; he has written an article which is on the verge of being published in which the MANTEGNA is mentioned, and comparisons are made with others. He read to me a letter that he received from the director of Art In America in which the director states that it would be much better for the article if a photograph of the MANTEGNA were published at the same time. 

I found Suida very nice. We talked a little and I had a feeling that if I had pushed the thing further, I could have started real business talks with him, which I did not want to do without your approval and without your being around. We parted in a very friendly way telling each other that we must meet again very soon. 
I have been quite busy, but as there is nothing of any real interest, I will leave you alone to the 
