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5 East 57th. Street,
New York 22, N.Y. - September 16th,1946

Dear Dayyan:

Before broaching the business part of your letter of August 10th., which I found upon my return to NewYork on Labor Day, I do want to thank you for all of your good wishes. In turn, I received this morning the announcement of the happy arrival of Neil Simpson and am anxious to send you without delay, my congratulations.

I am truly sorry not to have seen you prior to your departure for the coast, as I would have been interested in talking over these different matters with you, but this is "water over the dam" as well as, unfortunately, Design Associates. Personally I have often thought of that undertaking and really feel that - and this more and more - it had a tremendous potential of possibilities, but again, that is past.

Be assured that I am perfectly willing to recommend you in case I here on a position to do so to anyone who would wish to have a representative on the coast, and this in the line of food products as you suggest. Temporarily however, I must stop at this as outside of wines, I dont seem to be able to think of any special French food product which is being sent over here. Not only because I cant think of any in particular but also due to the dearth of food in France and I surmise off hand, that regulations would make it rather difficult to export such. It is up to you to be a little more specific. I have lost all contact with France, not having been abroad since 1939, and as you know, living here for the past twenty-five years, but if you give me the names of several French food products, I would gladly see if through one channel or another, I could get in touch with them.    However should you wish to contact certain firms directly, here on the East coast, and give them my name as reference, I will, as I said before, endorse you as much as I can. 

I do hope you will not misunderstand the spirit of these lines, as I am not trying to back out, but I really dont see, off hand, what you wish me to do - the more so as, as you know so well, my business doesn't normally bring me in contact with men in that particular branch of activities- unless I met them by chance, I am probably the last person they would think of contacting. 

If I were you, one of the first organizations I would write to would be the French Chamber of Commerce, 4 East 52nd. Street.  Another man whom you should write to and explain what you are after, or if you think preferable I should do it, I would gladly do so, is Mr. Melvin C. Robbins, 21 East 40th. Street, whom you remember certainly, and who has quite a number of French clients. 

As little as this may be, it will I hope, prove useful to you, and looking forward to hearing from you, 

With renewed good wishes to you and your family, and best regards, 

Sincerely yours, 

(Germain Seligman)

Capt. Boris N. Dayyan, 0492468
14 947 Friar St., 
Van Nuys, California. 

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