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July 18, 1946

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Rudolph J. Ernst - We received today from the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Cashiers Check for $202.04, being in full payment of our disbursements in connection with the shipment of works of art to Basel; acknowledged receipt to Ernst, check deposited with the Fifth Avenue Bank.

Information regarding David Tapestries - We found an old folder in this connection containing photographs, a pamphlet, exhibition catalog of the Manufacture Nationale Des Gobelins, as well as a study by Destrée. You will find all additional information on the appended sheet in duplicate (except a copy of the five-page study by Destree which is written in French).

Equitable Life Assurance Service - Mailed dividend check in the sum of $96.- which I deposited to your personal account with the Empire Trust Company.

July 23, 1946

Allied Stores mailed dividend check in the sum of $57.50; deposited with Empire Trust Company. (115 shares at $.50). Quoted today at 48.-  .

Richard Rosenwald remitted the balance due of $600.- on his purchase of the Braque and the Picasso; deposited with Fifth Avenue Bank.  paid Georges his cost. To oke'd by you

Mr. Peck - I gave him all information to be transmitted to Gobin with respect to our sale of the watercolor by RENOIR, in which Gobin had a half share interest.

Lloyds- I am taking out special policy covering your personal works of art to be shipped to New York, as per instructions prior to your departure.

Small tables - according to your personal inventory (the black bound book which you keep in your desk) you own the following which were all purchased from the succession:

Deux tables ovales marqueterie bois à quadrillés par Dusautoy. Dessus marbre blanc, galerie cuivre a tablette d'entrejambes. Fin époque Louix XV  

(These two items are apparently #54 and #55 on Mr. Peck's list of personal objects to be shipped to New York)

Petite table carrée marqueterie de bois de differentes couleurs décorée de cartes à jouer, avec tablette d'entrejambes. Epoque Louis XVI.

Petite table ovale de forme rognon, marqueterie bois de couleur à fleurs, dessus cuir et galerie cuivre. Epoque fin Louis XV.

(These are the items about which I wrote to Mr. Peck on June 26th instructing him to keep them in reserve pending your later instructions)

I wish to call to your attention that on Mr. Peck's shipping list of which you have copies, there appears: #70 - Une petite table rectangulaire acajou - which I can find no record of in your inventory book.

(Continued Page 2)


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 07:01:36