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Germain Seligman - 3    July 15, 1946

Letter - Peck (cont'd)
a jouer, avec tablette d'entrejambes. Epoque Louis XVI. (Bought from the succession of Jacques Seligmann).

Please let me know what instructions I shall give Peck.

Georges - He advised Mrs. Parker the day before his departure, of a telephone conversation he had with Jennings of Knoedlers, who told him that he expected, some time during the latter part of July, the visit of an important client (he mentioned the name of Gross. Mrs. Parker thinks it could be the California collector), and that he might bring him to our galleries. Mr. Georges left instructions to contact him immediately should we hear from Mr. Jennings to this effect, as he would then come back to New York for a few days. He added that he had dictated a fiche on this topic, but Miss Cohen says he did not.

As Mr. Georges would presumably show some of the important paintings which are scheduled to go to the warehouse, shall I defer such removal to July 29th or 30th? At all events, I am enclosing a new letter of authorization to the Manhattan Warehouse, as the one you signed before your departure is good only to July 15th. You will note that I leave the date open, which kindly fill in.

With respect to additional information on the gold-woven tapestries, I am trying to dig up our old files in order to locate the desired data.

Sincerely yours
O.A. Liechti


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