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July 9, 1946

Dear Liechti:

Thanks for your letter of June 28th.

Work at apartment. I notice that, judging from your letter, you have not removed the Seurat "Eiffel Tower". I care a lot for it and furthermore, it is on wood and should, therefore, spend the hot weeks at the warehouse or at least at the office.

License re items from Geneva. am, of course, very pleased with this. Herein am returning letter to the Fifth Avenue Bank, but notice that you do not mention te enclosure of the copy of the license granted, which they will need.

Corot cleaning and framing cost, I fully approve.

The extra expense for filing cabinet is also O.K.

Jack. Do tell him I am so glad to hear he is all right again.

As regards the list of personal items in Paris, there is a lot of information missing on the gold woven tapestries which you will probably find in the firm's files such as "Exhibited at the Manufacture de Gobelin", when they were reproduced in any number of catalogues, magazines, etc.

Lloyds. I am rather surprised at your calling it a conciliatory letter. In my opinion they have made a tremendous blunder and should admit it instead of beating around the bush as they do. However, we obtained satisfaction. If by now you have not heard from Chicago, I would be of the opinion of removing the insurance on the marble statue up to September 6th (two months) and asking for a refund should it be returned before that date.

Special funds through Mr. Robbins. As you write about this in several paragraphs, it isn't quite clear to me. However, before closing at the end of July, you might at that time sup up the whole situation.

Courbet. "Femme dans les Fleurs". Will you, in connection with this painting and per letter just received from Roger Bernheim about which Mrs. Parker wrote me, make out an application to the Federal Reserve Bank, asking for the right to sell the painting at the price of $$,400.00 (forty-four hundred dollars). I would suggest copying more or less (I don't recall exactly what we wrote), the application we made previously on a similar matter also for Roger Bernheim. Note that the application is to be for $4,000.00 instead of the consignment price of $5,400.00 (fifty-four hundred)* which we declared originally. This application could be signed by Mr. Robbins. The party to buy the painting is Mr. Andre Weil whose address, I believe is Elysee Hotel, 2 or 4 East 56th Street (my cousin should have the exact address). I am not sure that this deal will go through, but if it doesn't and we have the authorization from the Federal Reserve, we can always advise them that it did not go through.

[[bottom margin]] *less a 10% selling commission to the firm leaving thus a net of $3,960- to be "blocked" [[/bottom margin]]