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Mr. Germain Seligman - 2   July 1, 1947

VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, RICHMOND - Please find appended copy of their letter of June 28, 1947 with respect to the loan of five of our paintings as well as copy of proposed reply to them.

Mr. Georges would very much appreciate your letting him know, before sending this letter out, whether you are in agreement.

CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN DEPARTMENT - Mrs. Parker, being frightfully rushed these days what with the opening of the exhibition, etc., asks me to advise you of the sale of a painting by Rolick "New England Spring" for $100.- to Mr. L. Friend, instructor at the Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn.

EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY - Deposited check for $12.50, being interest on U.S. Savings Bonds.

STORA - Received the following cable which he confirmed to us by letter:  TWO CASES RS 1/2 CONTAINING SOUFFRICE STATUES LEAVING S/S KOLOA VICTORY JUNE TWENTYNINTH (Signed) RANCHERAYE

I am, therefore, making the necessary arrangements to pay him the first $1,000.- on account. I also confirm my cable of June 27, 1947 reading: STORA ASKS PLEASE CONTACT PILON FOR SETTLEMENT PACKING EXPENSES.

I really do not know what the arrangments were in this connection, but Mr. Stora, who had received the cable from Mr. Pilon and seemed a bit upset about it, told me that he had spoken to you about it prior to your departure.

GENERAL OPERATING LICENSE - I received Mr. Robbins' letter of June 28, 1947, ok'd by you. However, and contrary to what he writes, we did make application for renewal of this license on January 25, 1947 and extension was granted to January 31, 1948. Hence my cable reading: LICENSE EXPIRING JANUARY THIRTYFIRST NINETEENFORTYEIGHT AS PER EXTENSION FEBRUARY FIRST NENETEENFORTYSEVEN. I am therefore disregarding Mr. Robbins' instructions.

THREE PAINTINGS - D - Received the following letter form Fogg Museum of Art:

Dear Mr. Seligmann: I have a letter this morning from Mr. César M. de Hauke in Paris in regard to the paintings by Manet, Van Gogh and Degas which you shipped to us sometime ago. He says "These pictures are to be insured against all risks for the following sums:

- Manet ...............$ 80.000
- Van Gogh ............$ 70.000
- Degas ...............$ 80.000"

In your letter of June 6th you wrote that these pictures were fully insured against all risks in transit and while they remain in our Museum. I should like to make sure that there has been no mistake in this matter.

Sincerely yours, 

(Signed) Arthur Pope, Director

to which I replied the following:

Dear Mr. Pope: Referring to your letter of June 30, 1947, please be advised that the 

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Transcription Notes:
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