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TEL.: PLAZA 3-0250

NEW YORK (22), June 20th., 1947.


Dear Mr. Seligman:

We may not be making any money, but certainly things are buzzing, and its as lively around here as at the height of the season.....and I cannot but believe all of this will pay off in time. If some of the good news doesn't actually materialize by the time I write you next, I'll give you a Post Mortem of my today's hopes. As an example of the activity, it is 2:45 and thus far we've had 27 visitors. 

The enclosed will interest you, and you'll even excuse me for sending it Air Mail if you refer to Page 314. My reason for sending this whole periodical is that Klaus Berger's own book (and he is the one who has reviewed your's) is likewise reviewed in this issue, and that I presume it would be appropriate for you to refer to his accomplishment were you to write a note of thanks. By the way his address is: 2807 - 18th. Street n.w., Washington, D. C. 

Attached is a copy of a letter from Mr. STANG - which speaks for itself. It came just a few hours ago.

I am as yet without any further word from the SISTER KENNY FOUNDATION...and do not want to call them up.

But meanwhile Chuck has been kept busy...and if there is anyone who is a glutton for getting around, it is he .....and we have two or three good things which are simmering. At the moment I don't even dare think of them myself, so shall not give you so much as a hint.

I'm just submerged with work - it seems that everytime I accomplish one thing two crop up in its place....the old legend come true!

Before I forget it, we have had photostats made of the SEURAT from the enclosed, but are keeping them here.

That will, I think, be all for the moment - meanwhile, good-luck over there -


Mr. Germain Seligman,
23 Place Vendôme,
Paris, France.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 21:47:07.