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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.
June 16, 1947

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I trust that you had an uneventful flight to Paris and that you found everything in order upon your arrival there.  GL

FIFTH AVENUE BANK OF NEW YORK - I am quoting their letter of June 12, 1947: 

"In accordance with Certificate No. 16045 dated April 30, 1947 issued under United States of Treasury Department General License No.95, by the Office des Changes in Paris, we have today released from blocking the balance of the checking account in the name "Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. for the account of Georges Bernheim, Paris, France."

You will recall that on June 3, 1947 we received a letter from the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York advising us that they had a letter from Bernheim requesting them to transfer his credit to the Irving Trust Company, New York, for the account of the Banque de L'Union Parisienne de Paris. As all such transfers are nowadays subject to certification by the Office des Changes, we did not take any action at that time and advised the Fifth Avenue Bank accordingly.

I do not know whether or not you want to be bothered with this matter now, but to be on the safe side I am enclosing letter of instruction to the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York which, if you wish to, kindly sign and return to me.

UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT - Received license authorizing us to transfer from the account of the 'Old Society' at the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York the sum of $86.50 in reimbursement of insurance premiums paid for their account. Filled in the license number in the letter addressed to the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York, which you signed before your departure, and mailed same.

MR. PECK - Received from him to my agreeable surprise receipted invoices from Pottier [[crossed out]] s [[\crossed out]] and de la Rancheraye & Cie., with respect to the personal shipment of twelve cases received last February, in the sums of Ffcs. 21,084.- and Ffcs. 81,200.-!! respectively, as well as receipt - Tout - for Ffcs. 50,000.-.

EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY - Deposited the following dividend checks, which kindly add to the stub in your check book:

United Aircraft Corporation................ $50.- -
Briggs & Stratton Corp. ................ $24.31
($25.- less 2.75% Wisconsin dividend tax.)
Socony Vacuum Oil Company................... $80.--

(Continued on Page 2)