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May 9th., 1947

Dear Armand:

May I ask you to be so good as to confirm to the garage my desire of having one of their cars upon my arrival in Paris.

I do not want to take up your time with some of the details of the aggreement [[agreement]] they suggest, which I trust can be adjusted when I am on the spot.

As, to cite one instance, I was just told by some friends of mind [[mine]] who have made a similar arrangement with a garage around the Etoile, that they were only charged 2,000 francs per day, end with no restrictions on the number of kilometers, as long as it is within Paris. However, as I said before I am perfectly willing to abide by the present terms, and discuss it further with them later.

On the other hand, I think it only fair to let you know, so that in turn you can post the garage, that I have given up the idea of using the car for traveling purposes. It will be, roughly, just for three weeks in Paris and the immediate vicinity.

Now, may I ask you to tell me in all frankness whether you have any objection to having my mail addressed c/o of the firm, Place Vendôme, as several people will try to get in touch with me, and offhand it would seem the most convenient arrangement, provided that you and F-G had no objection to it?

With renewed thanks for all your courtesies and attention and, 

with affectionate thoughts to Antoinette and you from Ethlyne and myself, 


(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Armand Seligmann
23 Place Vendôme

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 21:46:06.