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47 East 61st Street
New York 21, New York

April 17, 1947

Mr. Edward Meder
153 East 70th Street
New York 21, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Meder:

This is to inform you that I cannot wait any longer for the dressing table and that you may consider the order cancelled. After my last letter of March 27th, you called on the 28th and agreed to put the dressing table in acceptable condition and return it to me within a week or ten days. Yesterday, almost three weeks later, you had not started on it, saying that the material for the top had just arrived. However, there was a great deal of other work to be done on it aside from the top, which could have been done in the meantime and I cannot accept that as an excuse for further delay.

Four months seems to me quite long enough to wait and I am, therefore, making other arrangements and you may consider the matter closed. 

Very truly yours, 

Mrs. Germain Seligman