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Registered -

47 East 61st Street
New York 21, New York
March 27, 1947

Mr. Edward Meder
153 East 70th Street
New York 21, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Meder:

As I repeated to you when I last called at your shop, I cannot accept the dressing table and since I have so far had no success in getting you to do anything about it or even keep the appointments you have made with me, the table will be returned to you on Tuesday morning, April 1st.

As you may recall, in early December you agreed to deliver the dressing table to me between December 26th and January 1st at a price of $75.00 plus the cost of the mirror. This date was then set up by two weeks, and after more delays the piece was finally delivered to me on January 29th but in such poor condition that it was unacceptable. You will recall also that you agreed with me as to its condition and stated that this dressing table was actually the work of your assistant and that you have not inspected it before delivery. The cheap aspect of this piece of furniture was definitely not in keeping with the quality of the work I was expecting from what I had seen of your work nor with the priced you stated - a price which I accepted without question.

When you took the table back you then gave a delivery date of one week later which dragged out to March 11. Since I was not at home at the time it was delivered, I later called at your shop to discuss its still unsatisfactory condition, and you have three times promised to come to look at it and see what might be done and each time failed to do so. In view of these things I feel that I have been extremely patient in the whole matter but this patience is at an end and I feel I am quite justified in returning it to you.

Just as a matter of record, these are some of the defects: The paint job is rough and speckled; there appears to have been no sanding or finishing of the wood underneath. The top is cracked and warped and the lid to the compartment is crooked. The mirror is wavy. The joints are poorly made and open in placed and all joinings are bad. The hinges on the lid are extremely poor. Paint is smeared inside the draws and on the handles. The drawers do not fit, and the wood of the inside drawer boards is unnecessarily heavy. All of these things add up to an effect of cheapness and amateurishness which is entirely out of keeping with the price asked and which I was willing to pay for good workmanship.

I am sorry that it has turned out this way, as I need the table, but since it is unusable as it is, I see no alternative but to return it to you.

Very truly yours,
Mrs. Germain Seligman