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September 12th., 1947

Dear Mr. Maillot:

Before starting with the purpose of this letter, may I say how much I enjoyed meeting you in Paris a few weeks ago, and how I appreciated the courtesies you extended to me.

As you may recall, in the courage of our conversation I called your attention to the danger of my securities being requisitioned by the French Treasury, the more so as from what I gathered, they were in the dossier of French Nationals, either in your bank or in your correspondents' banks abroad.

You realize, without doubt, the considerable damage I would sustain if such steps were taken, and I am therefore writing today to ask you to take all necessary measures to avoid such wrong. 

I consider it essential, for instance, that without delay you advise your correspondents abroad that my securities are to be carefully excluded from the group of securities are to be carefully excluded from the group of securities liable under the French law which causes such requisitioning, as, not only am I residing in the United States, but I am also an American Citizen.

If I am calling your attention anew to this threat, it is because I was advised by a high American official to immediately take the necessary steps to obtain full protection for my securities.

I would indeed be much obliged to you if you were good enough to acknowledge receipt of this letter, advising me by the same token that you are taking all required measures.

Thanking you in advance, I remain,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. F. Maillot
Banque F. Maillot
30 Place de la Madeleine


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