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[[Large B with underline written in pencil over first paragraph]]


Letter from Mr. Richardson of Detroit:

"The donors who would, I hoped, give us the Delacroix Tiger and the Tortoise, have now left town for the summer. Before they left, however, Mrs. Whitcomb had decided definitely that she did not like the picture. Mr. Whitcomb liked it very much, but did not want to give more than $12,000. Under the circumstances I see no possibility of our acquiring it, for certainly Mrs. Whitcomb will not encourage him to go farther towards making the purchase possible. Paragraph. I am inclined to think the best thing to do would be to start over again fresh. I don't know that I shall find another Delacroix that I will like quite as much as this, but it would be better to look for another. We can keep it here through the vacation period and send it back to you at the end of August. Needless to say, it is a disappointment t o me and also to all of our staff who universally like the picture very much. Many thanks to you and Mr. Seligman for your patience during this long effort to find a way to acquire it."""

Answer to Mr. Richardson:

"I do want to thank you for your letter of the 11th., giving us word as to the unhappy outcome of the DELACROIX "Tiger and Tortoise". In one of my next letters I shall post Mr. Seligman. However, on his behalf I would like to tell you how much your personal efforts are appreciated. Paragraph. It would indeed be kind of you to keep the painting over the summer, as the gallery is closed in August, and in fact will not reopen until the first week in September.""""

Letter from Miss Dorothy Shepherd: Associate Curator of Textiles at the Cleveland Museum

"Mr. Milliken and I have gone over the matter of the two medallions which were sent ton by Mr. Seligmann for our consideration. We do not feel that they ca be used here. Will you please thank Mr. Seligmann on his return from Europe for sending them to us? We regret that we cannot use them. Paragraph. In Mr. Seligmann's letter of June 11th., he said that the were fully insured by you but did not indicate whether this insurance would also cover their return. he has not indicated a valuation to us, and we would like you to let us know what valuation should be placed upon them for purposes of registered parcel post. We will send them on as soon as we hear from you."""""

Answer to Miss Shepherd:

"Your letter of July 11th., has just reached me, and on Mr. Seligman's behalf I want to thank you and Mr. Milliken for considering the two Medallions. Paragraph. As regards to the second paragraph of your letter, they are fully insured by us until returned to our gallery. Therefore, the only purpose in delcaring a value is to satisfy the Post Office requirements, and our accountant tells me that the nominal figure of $50. (fifty dollars) will be in agreement with our insurers. Paragraph. May I call your attention to the fact that we shall be closing the 30th., of July, and therefore, unless the Medallions can be sent so as to reach us prior to that date, we would appreciate your keeping them until the early days of September."""""

[[right-margin]]AIR MAIL[[/right-margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 00:57:02