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Mr. Germain Seligman - 3                       July 31, 1947


(July 31, 1947) Mr. Winiker examined the damage today. In the meantime and being a hit apprehensive about further damages, I had ordered Brown's men to free the statues as much as possible in their cases and we found them that the right foot of the knight was broken off, which again is an old damage, as here again we find the original iron rod used in repairing the original break.

Besides  the above and upon the most minute comparisons of the items with the prints, everything seems to be in order. I, therefore, instructed Brown's to nail the covers back on the cases and put them away in a safe place until after Labor Day.

Mr. Stora was rather insistent that we attend to the restoring immediately. On general principles alone, I told him that after all you were the only expert qualified to ascertain the true damage, depreciation, etc., suffered by these statues, and that there was just nothing to be done except await your return.  

Mr. Winiker is writing his report for Lloyds today.[[crossed-out]]Please find enclosed copy of my letter to underwriters in this respect which I trust you all will find in order.[[/crossed-out]]

I cabled the LLoyds as follows and wrote to them as per enclosed copy of letter:


ADDITIONAL FUNDS - I drew through Benjamin, Galton & Robbins against the special credit of $6,450.- at J.P.Morgan & Co., Inc. the sum of $3,586.- (Three thousand five hundred eighty six 00/100 dollars), in payment of the following:

Balance due on purchase made by this firm prior to your departure ..........................................$3,200.-
Cleaning Gallery ...................................   250.-
Importation charge of two marble statues ...........   107.-
Cleaning drapes, apartment .........................    29.-

None of the above sums was included in the checks signed in advance drawn to the order of the O.A.Liechti account.

MALL, CAFLES AND TELEGRAMS - I gave instructions to the Rosta [[crossed-out]]office[[crossed-out]] authorities to have all the above sent to Benjamin, Galton & Robbins while the galleries remain closed.[[?]]

We are officially closing as instructed tonight, but I personally will not leave before coming Monday and shall report to you later all about the last few days activities, at which time I shall also enclose requested letter from Mr. Dattelbaum as well as comparison of stock market quotations.

I received your cable reading: CASSONE ACCEPT ANY PRICE ABOVE ONEHUNDREDFIFTY. I sounded out Mr. Stora as to what price he thought he would have a chance to sell it. He calimed that in view of prices [[crossed-out]]released[[crossed-out]] at auctions during the last few months he was very doubtful of being able to obtain more than $150.-. After Much bickering back and forth, I finally gave him the message contained in your cable.

 Mr. Germain Seligman
%Seligmann and Cie.
 23 Place Vendome
 Paris, France

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 01:57:39