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Hotel Ascona
Ascona, Switzerland
July 19, 1947

Dear Liechti:

Thank you for your letter of July 11th, with photostats, just received.

Feneon paintings. I am sending you herein copy of a letter I just had from Mr. Schempp which is a self-explanatory, and thus completes the instructions I had given in a previous letter re the insurance matter. I shall, of course, communicate from here with Mr. Peck but meanwhile will you please write directly to Mr. Boisson and tell him the paintings are insured, etc.

Large statues. It so happens that I received this morning from Mr. Pilon the enclosed papers. - 1. His letter of July 16. 2. Invoice and receipt from La Rancheraye. 2. and from Gerfraud et Cie bill with receipt. To this sum of 72,170 frs. please add an extra amount of 50,000 frs., details of which I shall tell you about later, making thus a grand total of 122,170 frs. which is to be figured at the "Aubry" rate which I believe was 2.03 or 2.04. 2.05.


Labille and Leger. I am extremely pleased, of course, to hear that the former has been settled and of the sale of the latter.

Private catalogue. I am sending you herewith the corrections to the work undertaken by Miss Bazner, I am sending them to you, although the letter is addressed to Miss Bazner, as I want you to be posted about the work she has still to do, which is considerable, and furthermore, I want you to realize how uneven her work seems to be and how little she makes use of her brain, as after all, so many of these mistakes, particularly the dimensions, would have been so easily avoided.
It further shows you how very carefully things have to be  checked, which I am sure is no news to you. Please see to it that without any further delay she goes to the library and secures the information I am requesting her to obtain.

Please note that we shall be leaving Ascona on the 23rd and will be on the 26th until the 9th of August at Crans, Hotel Eden, and back in Paris on August 12th at the Hotel Ritz for Sierra. Please advice Mrs. Parker of this, as I do not believe I posted her. 

Before you close up at the end of July, I would like you to send me a comparison of stock market conditions at the time I left and July 31. Not that I am so much interested in my personal stocks, but I would like to know what the general tendency is and if you could get a little note from Mr. Dattelbaum, telling me of his opinion about the general market condition, I would be grateful to him. In other words, whether conditions have improved and whether he thinks they will improve further for the coming two or three months, or the opposite, which is of more interest to me from a business angle than from the investment point of view.

Mrs. Seligman thanks you for your kind thought of her and with best regards from both of us.

Yours Very Sincerely,
O.A. Lietchi

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Transcription Notes:
missing left margin and signature