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Hotel Ascona
Ascona, Switzerland 

Dear Liechti:

I thank you for your letter of July 1, just received. 

Virginia museum, Richmond     Will you tell me cousin that his suggested reply is O.K.

Store   Please tell him, in fact I believe I already told you this, that everything has been satisfactorily settled with Mr. Pilon.

Fogg Museum - D. paintings.  Herein copy of my letter to Mr. de Hauke which I surmise you will find self-explanatory. Further, I would like you to write the following to Mr. Arthur Pope: That Mr. G. S. has just answered in connection with the letter you wrote to him on June 30th, saying he was taking this matter up with Mr. C. M. de Haute who evidently did not realise that in view of the trusteeship thus entrusted our firm, all such communications should have been addressed to us. Mr. S. is sorry that through a misunderstanding of the situation [[?]] your time should have been taken up unnecessarily. He wishes to confirm to you that, as we wrote previously, the paintings are insured by the firm and the Fogg Museum is entirely protected. 

Do express my congratulations to Mrs. Parker on the sale of the Rollick paintings.

With best regards to everybody,