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Please refer to File
No. 350. JRW/jk.

The Foreign Service of the United States of America

American Embassy

Paris, France, December 7th., 1948

Dear Mr. Seligman: The Embassy refers to your letter of November 15, 1948 addressed to Mr. Patten, with particular reference to works of art which were in Paris during the War and which you state were looted or disposed of under the regulations of the Petain government.  You state that you had entrusted your affairs to a Mr. Tuot, whose activities you have found unsatisfactory, and who has informed you that immediate steps must be taken to place claims in the hands of the attorney general before December 31st, after which time such claims will not be receivable.

In the endeavor to suppy you with as much information as possible, and as the Embassy is not familiar with the details of your case as handled by Mr. Tuot, he was requested to supply a memorandum concerning the present status of your case.  Mr. Tuot supplied the memorandum on November 15, 1948, of which a copy and translation are transmitted herewith.  The Embassy observes from Mr. Tuot's statement that it is now time to take position officially, as it will be too late "in a few months, to institute proceedings since foreclosure will arise in the course of 1949".
This statement indicates that there is a misunderstanding on your part as to the limitations in filing claims of the nature of the one under consideration.

It is assumed that you will wish to consider further and communicate direct with Mr. Tuot.  Very sincerely yours, (Signed: John R. Wood - Consul of the United States of America)


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