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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.     

O.A.L.- #7

July 27, 1948

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I thank you for your note of July 23rd, authorizing me to turn over to Weitzner the painting by Cassatt for shipment to California.

BANKERS TRUST COMPANY - SPECIAL ACCOUNT: Deposited General Electric dividend check (quarterly payment) in the sum of $40.- (Forty dollars).

** CLYFFORD TREVOR came in to say goodbye. He just about concluded all preparations for his return to London where he is going to take up permanent residence. He tells me that he will not give up his activities in the works of art field and that he will establish himself as agent for U.S. collectors, art dealers, and museums. He is sailing on August 6th and will be very happy to take care of any matter you might entrust to him. His London address will be:

% J. Trevor & Sons
Trevor House
Grosvenor Street
London, W.1, England

DORE COLLECTION - HOLZWORTH: I am enclosing two clippings which Jack cut out of today's Herald Tribune, which you might find amusing.

ART NEWS: At the request of Mr. Georges I am enclosing their letter of July 20th, together with advertising contract. I answered Mr. Frankel that this matter will be brought to your attention after Labor Day.

MR. FRED STERN phoned. Cannot get a decision now respecting the Spanish Primitive, but expects an answer by September. Deal, however, is not off by any means.

** CLYFFORD TREVOR: He also told me that last week Partridge offered him the New York managership which, had he received it earlier in the summer, he certainly would have accepted, but in view of dispositions taken, regretfully had to decline.

With best wishes to you and Mrs. Seligman,

Sincerely yours,

(O. A. Liechti)


Mr. Germain Seligman
Caneel Bay Plantation
% Virgin Islands Tours
St. John, Virgin Islands

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 12:11:07